Shangaan Amethyst Specimen

$ 25.00
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This particular gem comes from the Chibuku mine and is named after the location where it is found – the Shangaan tribal area in Zimbabwe, Africa. Mined carefully by its people as to not disturb the land, is revered and is very much a piece of their history. The crystals from this region (also sometimes referred to as Shangaan Amethyst) are considered to be the highest quality, and well-known for their vibrant hues, gorgeous clarity, saturated violet colors, rutilations, stacked phantoms, enhydro bubbles and elestial or skeletal formations. 

It is a combination of amethyst, smoky quartz, and clear quartz, with all three colors forming a gradient in the piece, often with a violet phantom tip. Many pieces contain red flecks of hematite, also known as the "harlequin effect" similar to Lepidocrocite. 

As a powerful stone of transformation and a Master Healer crystal, the Shangaan is particularly known for its deep feminine energy and for its ability to help heal the Divine Feminine within us. It can assist in connecting with & healing female generation trauma, reintegration of feminine wisdom & power and owning that energy proudly. It's a perfect stone for woman to carry as personal power talismans, esp. if starting a new project or business, as they will strengthen self confidence, personal power and enhance leadership qualities. 

It can also bring balance, peace, mental or spiritual detoxification and encourages growth and spiritual evolution. Shangaan connects your crown chakra with the higher spiritual realms and to your higher self. 

Place this stone on your Altar or sacred space, use it during deep meditation or through a period of transformation & transition. 

Chakra: Crown

Measurements: ~ 1-2" pieces with gorgeously unique characteristics. 


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