Yooperlite Crow Skull

$ 17.50
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Crows are symbols of transformation & positive change.  Widely recognized in many myths, legends, & folklore tales, the small, these small, black birds may appear to insinuate a shift in energy or a new chapter in one's life.  They also are known to invite prosperity, abundance, wisdom, & freedom.  

These skulls hold the transformative properties of crows, with the communicative properties of yooperlite. Said to be a "stone of truth", yooperlite allows suppressed emotions, fears, & desires to surface & to be confronted.  Similar to sodalite, it helps balance the throat chakra, aiding in self-expression as well as self awareness & overall communication.  

Chakras: Throat

Each crow measures 1"wide x 2.1"long

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So Cool

It was a gift and my friend loved it :)