Sunstone Faceted Pendulum

$ 14.44
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Pendulums have been used for thousands of years for a range of purposes, from finding water and other precious things to healing the body and spirit.  In the mystical realm, pendulums have become recognized as a divination tool for healing and asking for guidance.

Sunstone is the brother stone to sister Moonstone, a feldspar mineral with an iconic iridescent flash, & is the ideal stone for manifestations.  With a golden orange shimmer, sunstone radiates positivity, strength, & ambition, as it closely resembles the Sun & symbolizes fire energy.  It invites new prana, or energy, into the mind, body, & spirit while clearing out old, stagnant energy.  With this powerful, new light energy, sunstone helps to feel inspired, motivated, & capable of accomplishing our intentions & goals with determination, courage, & perseverance. 

Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus

Each hand-selected faceted pendulum is made of 100% natural crystal & is attached to a 7-9" chain with a glass bead or loop at the end for ease of use.

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