Dreams as Messengers 

For as long as we've been having them, dreams have held an incredibly significant place in human culture. They've been a constant source of study, curiosity, and intrigue, and throughout generations, people across the world have sought meaning in their dreams, believing them to be a channel through which the subconscious communicates valuable insights and messages. For many, dreams can serve as training grounds where strategies for emotional, psychological, and psychic growth can be cultivated and practiced. 

Other systems of belief go even further, believing that dreams can be avenues of communication from ancestors, spirits, and the divine. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans, recognized dreams as a conduit for receiving divine messages, visiting different worlds, and unlocking hidden knowledge. Dream interpretation served as a means to gain insights into one's path, make important decisions, and understand the deeper layers of both the self and the world around you. 
Among the various elements that appear in our dreamscapes, animals have long been regarded as powerful and symbolic guides, offering profound wisdom and counsel. Each animal carries its unique symbolism and energy, providing us with clues to uncover the meaning behind their presence. When they appear, it's a good clue that you've got a message coming your way, so it's best to tune in and pay attention to what they've got to say!

Analyzing Our Animal Friends

Like most dream interpretation work, it's important to write down and keep a record of everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. The more time and distraction you face, the more fuzzy the memory of the dream can become. If you don't have a pen or paper handy, try staying in bed a few extra minutes running through the details in your mind a few times until the memory of it is solidly in there. Directly afterwards, make a quick voice message or speech-to-text message about what you remember until you can flesh it out more so later.
While there are many books and online guides offering animal symbolism and meaning, you'll find (especially when searching online) a lot of generic and sometimes contradictory information. However, sometimes the internet is the most accessible resource we have. So, in those cases, it's helpful to scour through the search engine's offerings and note any common threads. More useful, even, is looking up information on the animal itself versus simply searching, "[animal] symbolic meaning." 
Also remember that dream interpretations are largely a personal experience, and your emotional reaction to the scenarios and events of the dream will come into play significantly. When interpreting dreams involving animal guides, it is crucial to consider these key aspects: the type of animal, the emotional response it evokes, what it's doing, and one's attitude towards it

The Type of Animal: 

Take note of the specific animal that appeared in your dream. As suggested above, research its characteristics, traits, and mythological or cultural symbolism. For example, an owl might represent wisdom, intuition, or a need for deeper insight. You may glean this from learning about owl's roles in folklore as associated with Athena, a Goddess of Wisdom. Or, you may read about its ability to have sharp night vision and rotate its head 270 degrees (wow!) and interpret that as clarity and ability to see through occluded circumstances. 
Understanding the inherent qualities associated with the animal can provide valuable insights into the message it carries. Is it a creature of the air and the domain of thought? Is its home in the water in the realm of the emotional? Is it a careful crafter of things, like the spider? All of these aspects are important to consider.

Emotional Response: 

Reflect on the emotions that stirred within you upon encountering the animal. Did you feel fear, awe, comfort, or curiosity? Take a note of this! Emotions play a vital role in dream interpretation, as they often mirror our subconscious thoughts and desires. By acknowledging your emotional response, you can gain a deeper understanding of the message being conveyed. For example, while the owl's symbolism is generally considered a positive sighting, if you are scared of seeing it, this might entail that there is a truth surrounding you that you're afraid of acknowledging. 
Examining the emotions we hold provides the adequate framing for the animal messenger's meaning and our relationship to it.

What It Is Doing:

Another important detail is to note what the animal is doing. Is the owl sitting in the tree? Is it swooping down at you or another creature? Is the spider in your dream hanging out in its web, eating something, or sitting peacefully in your hand? Observe and take note, as this will also provide meaningful clues.

Attitude Towards the Animal: 

Next, consider your attitude and interactions with the animal in the dream. Were you accepting, fearful, or intrigued? While this may sound like the emotional response, they aren't the same. For example, I once had a dream that featured several spiders. In waking life, I'm pretty scared of spiders, but I also hold a deep reverence, love and respect towards them. I'm just a little wigged out by the thought of touching the larger ones (it's getting better!). So, although I felt a level of apprehension and fear, it was overruled by my admiration and care for the spiders in my dream, which influenced how I interacted with them for the rest of the dream's duration.
Consider the elements the animal represents and then examine these emotions and attitudes. Despite being scared of the owl, did you reach out to it? This may show that, while there's a hard truth that you fear, you contain the bravery required to face it. If you recoil, that may be a sign that you'll need to do the work to prepare yourself for what's to come. 

Connecting and Gratitude 

Often after encountering an animal messenger in my dreamscape, I like to make a habit of honoring the animal and thanking it. This can take many forms, whether it's by taking a moment to donate to a local wildlife reserve that houses or helps the particular animal, or leaving a little snack offering outside if I know there are a few of its kin around. Sometimes it's as simple as going on a learning binge, creating a piece of art featuring the critter, meditating on the animal, or simply offering up a mindful moment and a mental "Thank you."  I once shouted an emphatic, "Thanks, guys!" to a group of confused crows out my window while tossing a handful of peanuts in the yard. Whatever you choose to do, it may be a good practice to give thanks to the animal messenger or those responsible for sending it. Personally, I find that my dreams continue to be richer in content and depth when I do. 

Final Thoughts

Dreams, with their enigmatic language, offer a gateway to the depths of our subconscious and our animal guides are there to help us along the way. By paying attention to the elements above, we can unlock the wisdom and meaning they bring. Allow yourself to explore the fascinating world of mythos and folklore surrounding animals, seeking interpretations that resonate with your personal journey. Remember, your dreams are unique to you, and the key to understanding their messages lies within your own intuitive connection with the animal guides that visit you during slumber.
For more information on this, check out our books featuring animal symbolism, try a journal highlighting animal messaging, or pick up an animal-themed oracle deck.
Note that animal messengers are not to be conflated with Spirit Animals or Animal Totems, which are elements of the practices corresponding to Native/Indigenous peoples. For more information and insight into those practices, consider connecting with a local tribe or group near you, or seek out indigenous teachers and learn first-hand about them!
June 16, 2023 — Madii Gilbert

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