Mostly everyone who is familiar with the practice of divination has come across a Tarot or an Oracle deck. Both are are excellent tools for gaining insight into difficult situations or for helping with personal journeys of healing and growth. However, how they go about delivering their guiding messages differs and, depending on personal preference, may be better suited for different scenarios.

A Brief History

Tarot cards trace their roots back to the 15th century when they first emerged in Europe as playing cards. Eventually, they evolved into a divination tool, gaining prominence in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today's Lenormand decks are a modern-day rendition of this system. The most renowned and recognized tarot deck, the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, was published in 1910, establishing many of the core symbolism and imagery seen in modern tarot decks.

Oracle cards have a more diverse and decentralized history. They draw inspiration from ancient divinatory practices found in cultures worldwide, such as the Chinese I Ching and the African divination system of Ifa. In recent decades, oracle card decks have gained popularity due to their flexibility and the ability to capture specific themes or spiritual concepts and relay them in colloquial, more accessible terms.


Tarot cards traditionally consist of 78 cards divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana portrays archetypal figures and significant life events, while the Minor Arcana represents everyday experiences and influences. Tarot readings often involve elaborate spreads, such as the Celtic Cross, and are renowned for their depth, symbolism, and ability to address a wide range of life aspects.

Common uses of tarot cards include gaining self-awareness, making decisions, exploring relationships, and obtaining guidance on personal growth and spiritual matters.

Alternatively, oracle cards offer a more versatile and personalized approach to divination. Unlike tarot decks with their fixed structures, oracle decks can vary significantly in the number of cards, themes, and artistic styles. Each card in an oracle deck conveys a specific message or concept, often accompanied by uplifting affirmations or insightful messages.

Oracle cards are frequently used for daily guidance, meditation, manifestation work, and spiritual exploration. They offer a more intuitive and accessible method of divination, allowing users to connect with their inner wisdom and seek clarity on specific areas of life.

Highlights and Strengths

 Tarot cards adhere to a standardized structure, consisting of specific card categories and a predefined set of meanings attached to each card. The symbolism in tarot decks is deeply rooted in esoteric and occult traditions, providing rich layers of interpretation. Conversely, tarot readings often require a deeper understanding of the cards, their positions in spreads, and the intricate connections between them. Mastery of tarot can take years of study and practice, making it a complex but rewarding divinatory system.

Oracle cards, on the other hand, exhibit more fluidity in this regard. They may focus on specific themes, spiritual concepts, or even personal affirmations, but their messages are usually conveyed outright in plain language or rely on intuitive interpretation of imagery. I often described it as, "Each oracle deck is like a friend talking to you. They're each going to have their own voice and way of explaining it, but the message is going to be pretty clear," whereas in Tarot, there may be more room for interpretation depending on your scope of knowledge.

By design, oracle cards are more accessible to beginners and individuals seeking a simpler approach to divination. With their concise messages and intuitive imagery, oracle cards offer an immediate connection and require less prior knowledge. 

Tarot cards excel in providing profound insights into complex situations, exploring subconscious influences, and offering a holistic view of one's life. There's a reason they've stuck around for so long! The larger card deck, carefully crafted structure, and intricate symbolism allow for both nuanced interpretations and detailed readings. Oracle cards, while certainly not lacking depth, tend to offer more focused and direct messages. They provide concise answers to specific questions, emphasizing clarity and practical guidance rather than in-depth analysis.

So Which One's Right For You?

Both oracle cards and tarot cards possess their unique qualities, making them valuable tools for divination and personal growth. Tarot cards shine in their complexity, depth, and ability to address intricate life situations, while oracle cards excel in accessibility, personalized messages, and focused guidance.

Whether you find solace in the intricate web of tarot symbolism or prefer the simplicity and immediate connection of oracle cards, the decision ultimately depends on your personal preferences and divinatory goals. Both systems have the power to unlock insights, offer guidance, and facilitate self-reflection, inviting you to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.
May 30, 2023 — Madii Gilbert

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