Law of Attraction: How It Works, E.P. Sanguinetti
Until the birth of the New Thought movement in the late 1800s, prototypical ideas about the LOA circulated within occult subcultures including alchemy, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Kabbalism, witchcraft, and many other secret societies and mystery school traditions. Scholars have grouped all of these various ideas under the single label of Western esotericism, and there are three fundamental ways to view these esoteric, mysterious ideas:
- They are nonsense or foolishness
- They are heretical or dangerous.
- They stem from, or are based on, a single strand of truth referred to as perennial philosophy, which runs through all of the traditional religions as well as all of the various occult subcultures.
Is the LOA foolishness or dangerous? Why was it kept secret for so long, and why are millions of people now spreading the LOA’s gospel of health, wealth and love? There is one simple answer: It works.