Red Rose Petal Sage 4" Bundle

$ 7.00
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Red Rose Petal Sage Bundle

white sage and rose petals bundle combines the powerful purifying properties of sage with the gentle, loving energy of rose petals. This smudge bundle is not only visually beautiful but also offers a balance of earthy and floral aromas, ideal for rituals of self-love, emotional healing, and spiritual cleansing.


Aroma: When burned, the wand releases a clean, earthy scent that is both grounding and uplifting, perfect for cleansing spaces and promoting a serene atmosphere. The rose petals release a soft, sweet, and floral fragrance when burned. This gentle aroma adds a loving, soothing element to the sage’s intensity, balancing out the harsher notes with a more delicate, comforting scent.

Uses: Ideal for smudging rituals, these small bundles are used to purify a room, clear negative energy, and invite positive vibrations. They can also be incorporated into meditation practices or used for spiritual rituals.

Cultural Significance: Deeply rooted in Indigenous traditions, symbolizing respect for nature and the spiritual world.


  • Cleansing and Healing: White sage is traditionally used to cleanse spaces, objects, or individuals of negative energy, while rose petals symbolize love, compassion, and emotional healing. The combination makes this bundle ideal for rituals that focus on heart-centered healing, forgiveness, or creating a loving environment.
  • Self-Love and Emotional Balance: The addition of rose petals makes this smudge bundle perfect for rituals of self-care, self-love, and nurturing. It’s ideal for clearing away emotional blockages and inviting in love, both for oneself and others.
  • Rituals and Meditation: Burning this bundle during meditation, prayer, or ritual practices enhances emotional clarity, promotes inner peace, and invites feelings of love and compassion. The rose petals bring a gentle energy that helps soothe the spirit. 
  • Protection: Known for its protective qualities, white sage can be burned to ward off negative influences and provide spiritual protection. It’s often used in rituals to create a safe, sacred space.
  • Portable: Great for travel or small spaces.
  • Easy to Use: Simply light one end, allow it to smolder, and use the smoke as needed.


A small white sage adorned with rose petals bundle is an excellent tool for anyone looking to incorporate cleansing and calming practices into their daily routine.

To use, the tip of the bundle is lit, allowed to smolder, and then gently blown on to produce smoke. The smoke can be waved around spaces or individuals with a feather, hand, or smudge fan while focusing on your intentions for cleansing and inviting positivity. Carry a fire safe bowl to catch ashes as well as put the bundle out after use.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to preserve the aroma and efficacy. These bundles are sold individually and each bundle measures ~ 4"